Chlorinated Polyvinylchloride (CPVC) Market Expansion
The Client’s Challenges
Scant sales growth in China
Very low market share in China as compared to other global markets
Identify the high potential market segments and addressable market sizes
Provide market penetration strategy
Deliverables (15 Weeks)
Phase I: General Market Review: 33 market segments screening, industrial pipe materials used, major industrial CPVC supplier profiles
Phase II: Deep Dive Analysis on 8 market segments selected from phase I, competitive materials cost and performance comparisons, value chains and optional business models analysis
More than 30 in-depth face-to-face interviews and over 400 telephone interviews with designers, owners, competitors and experts
Submitted two phase reports, interview notes, and database with contacts’ information.
Identified the high potential market segments and the client has moved forward
Provided key buyers’ contacts for near future project leads and the client has followed up